For Quarantine BLUNTCAST #7 we talked with Philadelphia Police Detective, MC, Comedian, podcast host Lawrence Arnell.

This originally aired as part of our LIVE BLUNTCASTS series via Zoom every Friday night on The Philly Blunt Facebook Live page.

Lawrence Arnell was born and raised in North Philly. Music was always important to him and he secured a record deal with Tommy Boy Records early in his life and then experience soured him on record labels and the corporate world of the music business. That experience motivated him to find other ways to support himself. Lawrence talked about what motivates him to pursue so many diverse careers and how COVID-19 has affected Philly police work. He talks about being shot at as a police officer and keeping his cool while under fire by cracking jokes. 

Lawrence also gave a candid and insightful discussion of Philly race relations with regards to law enforcement and his personal experiences being African American police officer in Philadelphia. 

Lawrence Arnell